Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Grade 3 SY 2023-2024


Another school year is here and we have recently started our Grade 3 journey with our second child. She would be joining her younger brother who is in Grade 1 in our schedule. A number of topics and lessons will be taught to both kids simultaneously. Here are our homeschool curriculum choices for Grade 3 this school year 2023-2024.

Major Subjects

We decided to get the textbooks for Math and Filipino from our homeschool provider. Though we may not be using completely the curriculum provided by the provider for these subjects, I reckon it would be better to have these in handy specially for examples and assessments. Moreover, our youngest will use this after 2 years, when he is in Grade 3.

For Science, English, and Social Science, we will mostly use the materials we can find online.

Other materials we will be using for our major subjects would be Wikahon, workbooks we bought from the recent Big Bad Wolf sale, Patterns for Spelling, chapter books, and bilingual storybooks.

Minor Subjects

For Values Education, we will mostly use our collection of Joy Berry's Help Me Be Good series. For religion, we will use My First Catechism and the Jesus Storybook Bible. 

For MAPEH, Ate Z will be enrolled in an online art class, basketball practice, and swimming with his brothers, as well as a discussion on art appreciation, health, and nutrients. For Computer subject, they will continue to play using Minecraft, navigate mobile applications, discussion and practical application of hardware and software. In the coming quarters, we will be using Google Suite applications for her to get familiarized with Google Docs and email.

Flexible Curriculum

Each year our curriculum throughout the quarters varies. We may use one type of curriculum in Quarter 1 and switch to a different one in the next quarter. This is what we like about homeschooling, we are flexible to choose which would work for them. And note not that we are showing a book which would mean we will use all the pages. I choose which ones to use and which ones to discard. Your ability to discern which ones to keep will depend on your family's preference.

Have you started the school year? What materials are you using for Science?
