Homeschool Curriculum Picks for SY 2024-2025

homeschooling philippines

Another school year is here! Now that we are independently homeschooling our two younger kids, we have switched our materials as well and opted to get them from abroad. We will be focusing on the following subjects this year: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Filipino, Arts, and Physical Education. The goal this year is to simplify our homeschool and to choose open-and-go curriculum that will take off a lot of work on my plate as the teacher-mom.

For Science, we will be using Unit Studies that we got from Teachers Pay Teachers and The Good and the Beautiful websites. Both Grade 2 and 4 students will be using the same materials and will be together for the lessons. The same goes for Social Studies, Arts, Filipino, and PE.

For Social Studies, we will focus on the pre-history of the Philippines and will mostly travel to provinces near Metro Manila for experiential lessons. 

For the Filipino subject, I wanted the kids to learn Tagalog vocabulary so we are mainly using Wikahon A and storybooks from Adarna and Tahanan Publishings. We won't tackle Balarila or grammar this year.

For Arts, our main resource is Art Hub for Kids YouTube channel.

And for PE, we will be doing swimming and running.

Our main core subjects Language Arts and Math will be covered 4x a week. For LA we are using The Good and the Beautiful while for Math we are using Math with Confidence.

Happy Homeschooling!
